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This crate provides a basic implementation of binary decision diagrams (BDDs) — a symbolic data structure for representing Boolean functions or other equivalent objects (such as bit-vector sets).

Compared to other popular implementations, every BDD owns its memory. It is thus trivial to serialise, but also to share between threads. This makes it useful for applications that process high number of BDDs concurrently, but is also generally more idiomatic in Rust.

At the moment, we support many standard operations on BDDs:

  • Any binary logical operation (and, or, iff, …), and of course negation.
  • Evaluation of Boolean expressions parsed from a string.
  • A bdd! macro for a more idiomatic specification of operation chains.
  • Simplified methods for CNF/DNF formula construction.
  • Binary and text serialization/deserialization.
  • Valuation/path iterators and other Bdd introspection methods (random_valuation, most_fixed_clause, …).
  • Export of Bdd back into a Boolean expression.
  • “Relational” operations: projection (existential quantification), selection (restriction) and unique subset picking (see tutorials for more info).
  • A “variable flip” operation fused with custom logical binary operators.
  • Export to .dot graphs.

More detailed description of all features can be found in our tutorial module, and of course in the API documentation.

use biodivine_lib_bdd::*;

let mut builder = BddVariableSetBuilder::new();
let [a, b, c] = builder.make(&["a", "b", "c"]);
let variables: BddVariableSet = builder.build();

// String expressions:
let x = variables.eval_expression_string("(a <=> !b) | c ^ a");
// Macro:
let y = bdd!(variables, (a <=> (!b)) | (c ^ a));
// Logical operators:
let z = variables.mk_literal(a, true)
    .iff(&variables.mk_literal(b, false))
    .or(&variables.mk_literal(c, true).xor(&variables.mk_literal(a, true)));

assert_eq!(6.0, x.cardinality());
assert_eq!(x, y);
assert_eq!(y, z);
assert_eq!(z, x);

for valuation in x.sat_valuations() {


(internal) Implementations for the Bdd struct.

(internal) Implementation of the BddNode.

(internal) Implementation of the BddPartialValuation.

(internal) Implementation of the BddPathIterator.

(internal) Implementation of the BddPointer.

(internal) Implementation of the BddValuationsIterator.

(internal) Implementation of the BddValuation.

(internal) Implementation of the BddVariable.

(internal) Implementation of the BddVariableSet.

(internal) Implementation of the BddVariableSetBuilder.

(internal) Implementation of the ValuationOfClauseIterator.

(internal) A macro module for simplifying BDD operations.

Boolean expressions are simple structures that represent boolean formulas explicitly.

Contains simple functions that can be used with apply and fused_flip_apply to implement basic logical operations.

This is a documentation-only module with several sub-modules describing how to use this crate.


A macro for simplifying Bdd operations. It evaluates given expression over Bdds where you can use standard boolean operators !, &, |, ^, => and <=>.


An array-based encoding of the binary decision diagram implementing basic logical operations.

(internal) Representation of individual vertices of the Bdd directed acyclic graph.

Describes assignment of some arbitrary number of Bdd variables.

An iterator which goes through all paths in the Bdd, representing them as clauses using BddPartialValuation.

(internal) A type-safe index into the Bdd node array representation.

An iterator over all satisfying valuations of a specific BDD.

Exactly describes one assignment of boolean values to variables of a Bdd.

Exhaustively iterates over all valuations with a certain number of variables.

Identifies one of the variables that can appear as a decision condition in the Bdd.

Maintains the set of variables that can appear in a Bdd. Used to create new Bdds for basic formulas.

Used to safely initialize BddVariableSet.

An iterator which goes through all valuations that satisfy a specific conjunctive clause.


(internal) Characters that cannot appear in the variable name (based on possible tokens in a boolean expression).


A trait which allows quick conversion of a type into a Bdd, assuming an appropriate BddVariablesSet is provided.