Expand description

(internal) FnUpdateTemp parsing.


(internal) An enum of possible tokens occurring in a string representation of a FnUpdate.


(internal) Recursive parsing step 4: extract & operators.

(internal) Recursive parsing step 1: extract <=> operators.

(internal) Recursive parsing step 2: extract => operators.

(internal) Utility method to find first occurrence of a specific token in the token tree.

(internal) Check if given char can appear in a name.

(internal) Recursive parsing step 3: extract | operators.

(internal) Parse a FnUpdateTemp using the recursive steps.

(internal) Parse a list of function arguments. All arguments must be names separated by commas.

(internal) Recursive parsing step 6: extract terminals and negations.

(internal) Process a peekable iterator of characters into a vector of Tokens.

(internal) Recursive parsing step 5: extract ^ operators.