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Regulatory graphs

One of the most basic concepts in computational biology are regulatory graphs (or networks). A regulatory graph is a directed graph where the vertices represent some biological entities and the edges correspond to some high-level abstraction of interaction between the entities. Such edges are called regulations.

For example, let’s say we have a system with three chemical species, A, B, and C, such that they all depend cyclically on each other (A influences B, which influences C, which influences A), and additionally, we also have C influencing B. This relationship can be represented by a graph:

graph LR

We can then easily construct such graph in Rust:

use biodivine_lib_param_bn::RegulatoryGraph;
use biodivine_lib_param_bn::Monotonicity::{Activation, Inhibition};
// RegulatoryGraph expects `String` names, so we have to convert `&str` to `String`.
let mut rg = RegulatoryGraph::new(vec!["A".into(), "B".into(), "C".into()]);
// Notice that `add_regulation` can return an error if
// the edge already exists or uses invalid variable names.
rg.add_regulation("A", "B", true, Some(Activation))?;
rg.add_regulation("B", "C", true, Some(Activation))?;
rg.add_regulation("C", "A", true, Some(Activation))?;
rg.add_regulation("C", "B", false, Some(Inhibition))?;

When adding regulations, we see an extra Boolean argument: observability. Observability indicates whether the regulation has some effect on the target variable (in this case, we require all regulations to have effect except for C -> B). Furthermore, for each regulation, we can specify its monotonicity, which is also a common property of biological networks. If a regulation is an activation, increasing the regulator increases the value of the target species. For inhibitions, the effect is reversed.

We can include this information in the visual representation of the graph as well:

graph LR
    a-- + -->b
    b-- + -->c
    c-- + -->a
    c-. - .->b

Note that here, we use + and - for activation and inhibition, and dotted arrow for non-observable regulation. In other materials, you can often see other visual langauge, such as different arrow heads, or color-coded arrows.

Basic Manipulation of Regulatory Graphs

At the moment, there is no way to add, remove, or edit variables once the RegulatoryGraph is created. However, as we have seen, you can add new regulations. To easily represent each variable in the graph, we use VariableId, which is simply a typesafe variable index. The advantage of VariableId is that it implements Copy and is therefore much easier to pass around than String names. You can then also use corresponding VariableId to find regulations.

let id_a = rg.find_variable("A").unwrap();
let id_b = rg.find_variable("B").unwrap();
let id_c = rg.find_variable("C").unwrap();

assert_eq!("B", rg.get_variable(id_b).get_name());
// There are some shortcuts for most commonly used functionality:
assert_eq!("A", rg.get_variable_name(id_a));
// You can also index the RegulatoryGraph using variable ids:
assert_eq!(rg.get_variable_name(id_c), rg[id_c].get_name());

// Each regulation has a regulator, target, observability, and monotonicity.
assert!(rg.find_regulation(id_c, id_b).is_some());
assert!(rg.find_regulation(id_a, id_b).unwrap().is_observable());

// You can also iterate through all variables and regulations of the network.
for v in rg.variables() {   // v: VariableId
    println!("Variable {:?} has name {}.", v, rg[v]);
for r in rg.regulations() { // r: Regulation
    println!("Regulation from {} to {}.", rg[r.get_regulator()], rg[r.get_target()]);

Advanced Functions on Regulatory Graphs

Aside from reading basic structure of the graph, we can also obtain some more complex information from the graph structure:

// Find all predecessors/successors of a node:
assert_eq!(vec![id_c], rg.regulators(id_a));
assert_eq!(vec![id_a, id_b], rg.targets(id_c));
// This can be used (for example) to test for input/output variables:
let is_input = rg.regulators(id_b).is_empty();

// Find all transitive successors/predecessors of a node:
// (in our simple graph, all variables depend on each other transitively)
let all_variables: HashSet<VariableId> = rg.variables().collect();
assert_eq!(all_variables, rg.transitive_regulators(id_a));
assert_eq!(all_variables, rg.transitive_targets(id_b));
// Using this, we can (for example) test if two variables are independent:
let a_independent_of_b = !rg.transitive_regulators(id_a).contains(&id_b);

// Finally, we can compute all strongly connected components of the regulatory graph:
let components: Vec<HashSet<VariableId>> = rg.components();
assert_eq!(1, components.len());
assert_eq!(all_variables, components.into_iter().next().unwrap());
// (in our case, the whole graph is one component)

String Serialisation

To safely transfer and store regulatory graphs, we implement a simple string format. Each regulation is stored as an “arrow string” (such as A -> B) on a separate line.

Each arrow string starts with -, then followed by >, |, or ?, corresponding to activation, inhibition or unspecified monotonicity. Finally, if a regulation is not observable, the arrow string also contains one more ?.

let mut rg_2 = RegulatoryGraph::try_from(r"
    A -> B
    B -> C
    C -> A
    C -|? B

assert_eq!(rg, rg_2);

// You can also use the arrow string representation to add new regulations:
rg_2.add_string_regulation("A -?? C")?;
assert_ne!(rg, rg_2);

// This representation corresponds to the default `Display` format:
let rg_string = format!("{}", rg);
assert_eq!(rg, RegulatoryGraph::try_from(rg_string.as_str())?);

In the next chapter, you can learn how to turn a RegulatoryGraph into BooleanNetwork by adding (partial) Boolean update functions.