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Symbolic Asynchronous Graph

When we talk about the behaviour of a Boolean network, we typically refer to a specific state-transition graph which that network generates. In this library, we consider the asynchronous variant of such graph. The vertices of the graph are all possible combinations of Boolean valuations of the network variables (i.e. $\{0,1\}^n$). The edges then represent non-deterministic applications of the update functions, such that each edge changes exactly one variable. If the network is parametrised, each edge is also assigned a set of colors, which contains every parametrisation for which the edge is enabled. This structure is managed by a SymbolicAsyncGraph.

To represent this type of graph, we use Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) implemented in our lib-bdd. Using these, we can often work with large sets ($2^{1000}$ elements and beyond) concisely. However, in the worst case, this representation is still linear in the size of the set and we thus cannot guarantee that it works well for every model.

Using BDDs, we implement three important symbolic set types: GraphVertices, GraphColors, and GraphColoredVertices (set of pairs (vertex, color)). These cannot be created directly, because they depend on the structure of the graph, but can be obtained from the SymbolicAsyncGraph. Once you have such a set, you can perform common set operations like union, intersection, subset test and more. For GraphColoredVertices, you can also project to just the vertex or color portion of the set.

use biodivine_lib_param_bn::BooleanNetwork;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use biodivine_lib_param_bn::symbolic_async_graph::{SymbolicAsyncGraph, GraphColoredVertices};
use biodivine_lib_param_bn::biodivine_std::traits::Set;
use biodivine_lib_param_bn::biodivine_std::bitvector::{ArrayBitVector, BitVector};

// Boolean network from the previous tutorial:
let bn = BooleanNetwork::try_from(r"
    A -> B
    C -|? B
    # Update function of variable B:
    $B: A
    C -> A
    B -> A
    A -| A
    $A: C | f(A, B)

// At this point, the implementation checks if there is at least one parametrisation which
// satisfies all the requirements imposed by the RegulatoryGraph. If no such parametrisation
// exists, an error is returned, typically also with an explanation why.
let stg = SymbolicAsyncGraph::new(bn)?;

// Once we have a `SymbolicAsyncGraph`, we can access the `GraphVertices`, `GraphColors`
// and `GraphColoredVertices`. Basic methods return a reference, `mk_*` methods create
// a new owned object.
assert_eq!(32.0, stg.unit_colored_vertices().approx_cardinality());
assert_eq!(8.0, stg.unit_colored_vertices().vertices().approx_cardinality());
assert_eq!(4.0, stg.unit_colored_vertices().colors().approx_cardinality());
assert_eq!(stg.mk_unit_colors(), stg.unit_colored_vertices().colors());
// WARNING: Remember that floating point numbers may not be exact for larger values.
// In fact, for some very large models, the set size can be simply approximated to infinity.

// You can still access the underlying network of the graph:
assert_eq!(3, stg.as_network().num_vars());

// You can also obtain a set where all vertices have a Boolean variable set
// to the given value:
let id_a = stg.as_network().as_graph().find_variable("A").unwrap();
let a_is_true: GraphColoredVertices = stg.fix_network_variable(id_a, true);
// This can be used to (for example) construct a set of initial states specified by the user.

// Finally, by providing a set of colors, you can let the async graph pick a "witness", i.e.
// one of the fully specified networks which are admissible for the given set of colors.
let witness = stg.pick_witness(stg.unit_colors());
assert_eq!(0, witness.parameters().count());

// `GraphVertices` can be also iterated. But keep in mind the materialized set can be
// enormous, so always check if the operation is feasible,
// for example by inspecting the `approx_cardinality`.
for vertex in stg.unit_colored_vertices().vertices().materialize().iter() {
    println!("Value of A in state {:?} is {}", vertex, vertex.get(id_a.into()));
    // You can also turn the vertex back into a singleton set (with all colors):
    let singleton = stg.vertex(&vertex);
    assert_eq!(4.0, singleton.approx_cardinality());
    assert_eq!(1.0, singleton.vertices().approx_cardinality());

// At the moment, `GraphColors` cannot be iterated as we don't have a public
// representation of a single parametrisation. However, this is something that
// should be available in the future.

// You can pick a singleton subset though:
let one_color = stg.unit_colors().pick_singleton();
assert_eq!(1.0, one_color.approx_cardinality());

// For `GraphColoredVertices`, you can also pick a singleton, as well as pick one
// color for each vertex or one vertex for each color in the set.

// For each color (4 colors), pick one vertex from the set:
assert_eq!(4.0, stg.unit_colored_vertices().pick_vertex().approx_cardinality());
// For each vertex (8 vertices), pick one color from the set:
assert_eq!(8.0, stg.unit_colored_vertices().pick_color().approx_cardinality());
// Note that result of this operation is still a set of (vertex, color) pairs.

Working With Graph Transitions

To explore the edges of the graph symbolically, you can use the pre, post, var_pre and var_post methods. These take a ColoredVertexSet $A$ and return a new ColoredVertexSet $B$, which contains exactly the one-step predecessors (or successors) of the vertices in $A$ with their respective colors, for which they can be reached. The var_* methods do this only for one update function, while post and pre consider all update functions simultaneously (which is more computationally demanding).

Furthermore, if you only need to test which vertices can perfrom a transition, you can use these methods with a can_* prefix, in which case the desired subset of $A$ will be returned.

let id_b = stg.as_network().as_graph().find_variable("B").unwrap();
let b_is_true = stg.fix_network_variable(id_b, true);
let b_is_false = stg.fix_network_variable(id_b, false);

// Jumping from A=0 to A=1: Vertices that have predecessor with
// respect to this jump are the ones into which we are jumping, and vice-versa:
assert_eq!(stg.var_can_pre(id_b, &b_is_true), stg.var_post(id_b, &b_is_false));
assert_eq!(stg.var_can_post(id_b, &b_is_false), stg.var_pre(id_b, &b_is_true));

// All states with A=1 have some predecessor (for some color):
assert_eq!(4.0, stg.can_pre(&b_is_true).vertices().approx_cardinality());
// Also all states with A=0 have some successor (for some color):
assert_eq!(4.0, stg.can_post(&b_is_false).vertices().approx_cardinality());

// However, after we fix a specific color, only three of the four states with B=1 have
// a predecessor.
let some_color = stg.unit_colors().pick_singleton();
let b_is_true_with_color = b_is_true.intersect_colors(&some_color);
let b_is_false_with_color = b_is_false.intersect_colors(&some_color);
assert_eq!(3.0, stg.can_pre(&b_is_true_with_color).vertices().approx_cardinality());
assert_eq!(4.0, stg.can_post(&b_is_false_with_color).vertices().approx_cardinality());

// Note that this does not (always) hold for pre/post, since now we are using all transitions,
// not just the B-transition:
assert_ne!(stg.can_pre(&b_is_true), stg.post(&b_is_false));
assert_ne!(stg.can_post(&b_is_false), stg.pre(&b_is_true));

Using these building blocks, you can construct powerful symbolic algorithms that analyse the behaviour of Boolean networks. A simple example of such an algorithm is given in the next tutorial.

If there are some operations that are not provided, you can sometimes prototype them using raw Bdd objects. These can be obtained from every set using as_bdd or into_bdd methods (conversion back to a set is possible using a copy(Bdd) method which uses the self object to provide the appropriate context for the set). Also, you can have a look at SymbolicContext and FunctionTable, which are part of the SymbolicAsyncGraph, if you need some more advanced operations for mapping colors to the parametrisations of the BooleanNetwork. However, these require expert knowldge of the topic and are not covered by this tutorial.